The new IED campus is part of the urban regeneration project called "ARIA", which won the Reinventing Cities competition promoted by Comune di Milano. The campus is located in the area of the Milanese Ex-Macello (Ex- slaughterhouse) and represents one of the most extensive higher education facilities in Italy, entirely dedicated to creativity, art, culture, and design for future generations.
Italy, Milan
Redo SGR
The current IED locations in Milan, spread throughout the city, will be brought together in the new facility, characterized by an iconic and recognizable design.
The project includes classrooms, laboratories, dedicated spaces, libraries, and all other necessary services to accommodate approximately 5,000 people, including staff, students, and professors. All of this will be housed in an area of 30,000 square meters within a large park.
The entire site will experience a complete revitalization according to the highest environmental and social sustainability standards. The project will breathe new life into the once-abandoned area, transforming it into a lively and thriving community.
Design Team
Capogruppo mandataria: Mpartner
Mandanti: Cino Zucchi Architetti, Ariatta Ingegneria dei Sistemi, Redesco Progetti